I love the thrill of the hunt, and have a history of finding great stuff - particulary on Craigslist. There's estate sales, store sales, curb alerts, free and useless crap...a Veritable Smorgasbord of opportunity. Unfortunately, I don't have any more room for everything that I find...but I'll bet you do, so check back daily for all things vintage (and weird) that Craigslist (and beyond) has to offer.
Listed District - I Hunt, You Gather!
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Brownstoner.com (NYC)
I came upon yer blog looking for what I cannot recall. I too, pick the back roads of America. Right now I am in the middle of somewhere Arkansas buying fantastic groovy junk that now can be someone else's treasures. I love yer love of mid century modern. I live near Houston so I guess it might take me a while to pick yer neck of the woods lol. This isn't really work is it?..Tomarrow goin ack to a house that had way to much cool stuff out in the yard..no one home..ya know the house had to be packed and all six buildings :)